Virtual Symposium – September 8-10, 2020

In light of the COVID-19 global pandemic, NEDAS is going Virtual for our first-ever Virtual Symposium.

The NEDAS 2020 theme is ‘Bridging Wireline and Wireless’ where we focus on discussions and overcoming challenges associated with wireline and wireless communications infrastructure convergence.

With on online app hosted by Whova and our website platform, we are bringing you a wonderful experience to learn, gain branding exposure, showcase your company’s products and solutions and to network with peers and industry colleagues.

Join us as we venture to the virtual world, embracing the communications infrastructure you design, construct and manage to bring you an experience that will foster and grow your business.

Sign up today!



Tuesday through Thursday
September 8 -10, 2020

Hotel Block Information:

Additional Resources:

To engage with the NEDAS community there are many options to amplify your participation:

NEDAS FAQ’s to Know Before Attending

Branding and messaging awareness opportunities are available to sponsors.  Download our sponsor prospectus here or email us at to learn more.

Lanyard Sponsor

Literature Sponsor

NEDAS Summits have consistently targeted key decision-makers and end-users relevant to our sponsors and attendees. This is not an open-door event. All interested parties are vetted, offering an exclusive opportunity to learn, teach and network with the right people in a relaxing and friendly environment. This event is FREE for all end-users.

Email to learn how to become an exhibitor at our Annual Summit!






Sponsorship opportunities are available at NEDAS Summits, Symposiums, Seminars and Socials!